Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday Photo Hunt - Wooden

To participate in the Hunt, please go here.

Looking through my albums for inspiration I find that I have a 'thing' for tree trunks:

A very, very, very, very old olive tree in Madeira

Horse Chestnut at Stourhead

Trees in a park near Whistler, Vancouver, Canada

Grandson Thomas standing in a VERY tall tree trunk, near Whistler, Vancouver, Canada


jams o donnell said...

Great shots. I love the shape and texture of trees. They make wonderful subjects. Happy weekend

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Amazing shots of beautiful trees.
Have a great weekend!

Bengbeng said...

ilove hte shots. no kidding. when i see trees like these i love to touch them. i can almost feel the energy in these old trees. in chinese it is called 'chi'

Carver said...

These are fabulous shots. I also love tree trunks and you shot some great ones. Your shot of your grandson is so perfect. I enjoyed this post so much. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

I love the unusual shapes and textures of the trees you've shown.

Katney said...

You have shown them all to their good advantage. Thanks for sharing. Stop by to see my wooden entires.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Brilliant Chris! Love the trees, very imaginative and of course natural!

Last year, these appeared on the old blog which you may have seen?

Even managed to get a pic of Hatfield Girl on holiday...

jmb said...

Chris these are wonderful shots of interesting tree trunks, even one in my part of the woods!
Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

With tree trunks like these, who wouldn't be! I can't figure out how come you have those fascinating trunks in England and we don't seem to. I am so envious!

Dragonstar said...

Lovely trees! That's a really weird one in picture 5!

Mima said...

You have managed to capture some really amazing tree trunks there, I especially love the Horse Chestnut, it looks like fingers curling round the trunk.

Unknown said...

Those are some truly unique tree trunks. I believe I, too, may have a thing for trunks.

Nabeel said...

these are great and mighty trees .. wow .. I wish there was place like this here .. where one could just rest beneath such trees.

Anonymous said...

I Love these tree pictures

Nabeel said...

i saw a picture online of a similar tree trunk, but it had a lizard totally camouflaged. nature is fascinating.

Clare said...

I've seen that tree in Madeira!