Well..... some 20 months since my last post has flown past. Some 20 months of humdrum everyday living (with a few bright spots) so I won't be using too much space reporting on exotic holidays, how I won the lottery and that fantastic tete a tete I had with Johnny Depp/Gareth Malone!
I'm sure that many interesting things HAVE happened but lately my brain seems to work in a bit of a random fashion; sometimes it recalls things instantly and at others the memories come at unexpected times, usually days later. As a comfort I watch The Weakest Link, which makes me feel like a genius.
So....... I'm going to try to post on a regular, or probably semi-regular basis, and no doubt some of my adventures and misadventures will come to light.
One of the major changes to my life has been my retirement from The Ottershaw Players which has been of huge benefit to me. My interest in amateur drama will continue with my ongoing involvement with the Woking Drama Association, an organisation whose main function currently is to produce an annual drama festival lasting 2 weeks in October, although there are plans afoot to expand their commitment to local groups.
Today I've been:
Taking pills
Drinking tea
Watching daytime TV
Reading the daily newspaper
Listening to A Simple Act of Violence by RJ Ellory
Feeding the cat (often)
Checking emails and Facebook (frequently)
Wow - didn't realise I'd been so busy. Will try to be more interesting next time.
Cooking dinner (but not for me)
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