At last......I've found a quote that I can use to justify my non-commitment to all housework. This lady, Erma Bombeck, never spoke a truer word. I would like to assure anyone who may be interested that I DO housework - I just don't treat it like a career and if anything better comes along (and it usually does) then I do that instead.
Interestingly, there was an article in a magazine, written by someone who confessed to loathing ironing, that said ironing is all the rage, apparently, in swish social circles with female lawyers, bankers and executives boasting at dinner parties about how they "do their own ironing", the implication being that they are a cross between a real woman and a domestic godess. I'll stay unreal and a domestic devil if it's all the same to you!

To add to my guilt trip a book entitled Happy Housewives by Darla Shine is climbing up the US charts with its advice to bond with your home and get back into the kitchen. Let's lift our spatulas and start demanding some respect! Whoa.... I'm afraid that's not all I would want to do with my spatula if ever I met Ms Shine.