The real reason your pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can't see him laughing at you - Phyllis Diller
Started my day yesterday by having a 'quick' look at my emails before breakfast. Two hours later, after trying unsuccessfully to publish a really interesting blog about newspapers (it kept telling me that my html edits hadn't been opened properly), it occurred to me that I'd better get a move on as I was booked into a golf lesson with the Tuesday morning ladies' social group. Last week was great - only two of us there so almost one-to-one tuition for an hour. This week not so great - 6 people turned up so, at the most, 10 minutes undivided attention. Nonetheless it was good practise and I did learn something!!

Just noticed that I've done it again - 9am not yet dressed and have to be out by 10.15 - must fly....
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