Wednesday, January 03, 2007

It's only words........

"I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit.
"No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."

Words that I like:
  • Compendium
  • bizarre
  • weird
  • connotation
  • rummage
  • bibliograph
  • jingle
  • frolic
  • perception
  • extravagance
  • perambulation
  • vehicular

Words I don't like:

  • vagaries
  • bell
  • brochure
  • bulldog
  • exercise-book
  • tumble
  • saxaphone
  • straight
  • cafetiere

Here are some old words no longer in common use:

bablatrice - a female babbler
chaterestre - a talkative woman
erinaceous - like a hedgehog; a person with prickly manners
deuterogamist - someone who marries a second time
dictioneer - person who takes it upon themselves to criticise diction or writing style
finnimbrun - a knickknack or trinket
flagitation - asking or demanding with passion; begging
funambulist - a tightrope walker; a person who thinks quickly on their feet
heterarchy - government by strangers or foreigners, literally "rule of an alien"
hibernacle - winter home of hibernating animal; a sunshine retreat for people
leighster - a female liar
loranthaceous - related to mistletoe family; kisses given or received under the mistletoe
lordswike - a person who deceives their boss; a traitor
mouton enrage - an angry person who is usually calm, literally "mad sheep"
nullo - someone who has undergone an elective amputation for the purposes of body modification, usually of a toe
rhinarium - the hairless and moist nose of some mammals
snollygoster - a dishonest politician, especially a shrewd or calculating one
solfeggist - someone who sings notes using do, re, mi, fa, sol, la and ti woofits - an unwell feeling, especially a headache; a moody depression; a hangover.

My favourite is loranthaceous although I don't think I'll be using it often. Now, snollygoster will be in constant use!

Going to bed now 'cos I've got a touch of the Woofits.

By the way, I get unreasonably wound up by people who pronounce the word 'aitch' as 'haitch'.


Liz Hinds said...

I'm known as a bit of a dictioneer in work. But I feel it's one's duty to put the lower classes right.

Clare said...

I hate it when people spell something with a "haitch": Hat is spelt aitch-a-t not Haitch-a-t!