Well in the words of Harry S. Truman, if it's too hot in the kitchen, stay away from the cook - All in the Family (1971)
I was having a bit of a clean up in the kitchen the other day (I
do sometimes,
y'know) and thought I'd give you a bit of a conducted tour:

These little cuties sit on the windowsill behind the sink (hence the water splashes). I got them a few years back on a long weekend visit to
Swansea and they've kept their eyes on me ever since. I'm not sure if the cat is, in fact, a tiger going by his markings. But then all cats think they're tigers, don't they? They don't usually sit this closely together, just in case they fight.

This is my digital radio which I acquired a year or two ago. I went to
Currys, much against my better judgement. And walked out in a huff as I knew I would. Went next door into
Argos and discovered I could get exactly what I wanted using my
Nectar points. Great result!

This little chick looks after my rings'n things.

A cookie jar which holds, not cookies, but milk bottle tops and cans for recycling.

Thing for putting washing up things in. Boring.

I burn candles with appropriate smells in this.

My carnivorous fly catcher, Felicity


or coffee?

or even better???:

I'm finishing with this wonderful gadget. If my house was falling down and I could rescue only one thing from the kitchen it would be this.
Do you struggle with cling film? Does it cling to everything other than what you want it to cling to? Usually itself? Do you waste more than you use? Do you throw it across the room in anger and frustration? Then this is for you, a cling film dispenser. From the indispensable
I really like the idea of the clingfilm thing, will have to see if Lakeland deliver to Tuscany!
If they don't, Tony, I'll pick one up for you in Guildford and deliver it myself. However, delivery charge may work out to be a bit pricey!
is that fly catcher plant for real - we had a few fruit flies from food we compost and i'm looking for a solution or aid in our endeavor!!
I've very much enjoyed this tour of your kitchen. I love the little cuties in the first pic and your rings 'n' things holder. Clingfilm drives me barmy - it keeps clinging to itself, as you say - so I think I will have to get one of those dispensers too!
I wouldn't want to tangle with Felicity!
I love my digital radio especially Radio 7.
Did I thank you for your sympathy re Harvey? If not, thank you!
The fly catcher is real, Chux. I've never actually seen it catch flies but my kitchen usually seems to be a fly-free zone.
Welshcakes, the last time I had to use clingfilm to wrap something without using my dispenser, it took about half an hour and half a roll of the stuff.
Liz, hope you're feeling better about Harvey now and that horrible, undescribable ache has gone
I've got the very same DAB radio.... it sits in my bathroom as its water proof (the radio I mean)
Clingfilm's like glass, you have to show it who's boss.
A glass cutter I knew said that you should go at it as though you maen business when you cut it. The moment you falter, it'll crack and go everywhere!
And he was right, and clingfilm shudders when I open the box now...
PS your Crocs were on the front page of the Telegraph last week! Are you on commission?
What?? On the front page of the Telegraph?? Something belonging to me?? Without my knowledge?? I'm going to sue and if you'll be a witness, Scroblene, I'll split the proceeds with you.
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