Having an eye test isn't the same as having a maths test or something similar, is it? Giving a wrong answer to the multiple (well 2) choice questions 'can you see the letter Y more clearly with lens a or lens b?' won't mean that everyone will think you're a dummy, will it? Every couple of years I sit in that Mastermind- style chair with these scary multi-lens spectacles welded to my face (that's not me in the picture, by the way; I'm much better looking) and worry that I'm giving the wrong answers to the questions about the eye charts. How can the answers be wrong, for goodness' sake?!! Either one image is more blurred than the other or it isn't, I don't even have to guess. Never again will I shout at someone on Who Wants to be a Millionaire; after all, they have to choose from FOUR options.
Hopefully, as long as I've given the right answers, I'll soon be able to see clearly.
But, given the choice, I invariably sit there staring hard and saying, 'Umm, could I try the other one again, please?'
same here - 'could we try the other one again'
I hate eye tests! "Is this better? Or this? This? Or this?" Lord, I don't know. It all starts looking the same to me. There's got to be a better way.
Oh, well - good luck on your test, Chris!
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