Yesterday was a very enjoyable day. Alan Wakefield, President of Ottershaw Players, and I set off for Tonbridge in Kent to pick up this lovey award.
This is our nomination from the NODA rep. which won us the award
The award was for Artistic Presentation for last winter's production of The Wind in the Willows, which was a huge success in all respects. The only failure was a lack of decent photos so I can't show you the amazing set that Alan, Jim Gallimore, Peter Pratt, Dave Dunlop, Paul Bungard designed and built, together with some input from the Director, Matthew Horton.
Matthew was unable to attend the ceremony with Alan, due to a work committment (lunch at the House of Commons, I believe!), so I had the priviledge of going, in my role as costume provider/designer/maker.
It wasn't until the awards part of the afternoon wore on and all the boring cups and shields slowly disappeared from the stage that we realised that what was left was the rather gorgeous lady above and it was the major award of the day, given for the whole of the South East region and not just one of the 14 areas which make up that region. Blimey!!!!!!
Felt a bit like the Oscars but it was so unexpected that we could only drum up one member of the team (good 'ol Jim) to help celebrate in our 'Green Room' (aka The Castle).

So, thanks fellas. Not forgetting, of course, Toad,Mole, Badger and Ratty. Then, of course, there was Otter, Albert, Portly, Chief Weasel, Norman and all the other weasels, hedgehogs, squirrels, Motorists, Magistrate, Gaoler's Daughter, Washerwoman, Bargewoman, Gypsy, Train Driver. And yes.... they all needed costumes.
Great stuff. Coming soon:
Treasure Island, 28th November to 1st December 2007
Make a note in your diary.
Yea, Ottershaw Players! What a huge honor (and not a word about it, unless I missed it, on pete's blog). Hearty congrats all round!
So which designer did you wear to the awards? (Isn't that what they always ask at the Oscars?)
That is a beautiful trophy! And the costumes were AMAZING! See you on 23rd for the read through for TI - Phil has been practicing his "Pirate Accent"!!
PS: Oh! What a Lovely War, Rhoda, 11-14th July....
Congratulations to you all. Love the trophy. I like your quotes at the top of each post very much, btw.
Mary: It's all been a bit low-key up 'til now so Pete's only just found out how important it was. No doubt he'll make up for lost time. I'd like to say that I looked a bit like the trophy figure but if I did I'd be lying!!
Clare: Look forward to the 23rd and I AM coming to see OWLW
Welshcakes: Sometimes it takes me ages to find an appropriate quote but I have a good deal of fun doing it. Just wish I was one of those people who carried things like that in their head all the time! Glad you like them.
Congratulations! That's a great achievement and must have been a lot of work.
Thanks, Liz - you're right, these shows are always hard work for everyone, especially for some people who still have to go to work, and sometimes you think to yourself 'Why am I doing this?'
But the end result can sure make it all worthwhile.
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