The chap who lives opposite our house, who I shall call 'M', is building an extension to his bungalow. Not just a little bit on the side (if you'll pardon the expression) but a major project going up into the roof, out at the side and out at the back. And it would appear that it is a single-handed project, almost. I do admire him and he works very, very hard but I now totally understand the feelings of people who book a holiday and are housed in a room overlooking a building site. One or two weeks are bad enough but we've had this view now for a year or thereabouts.
Anyway, what compelled me to put finger to keyboard?:
M has been tiling the roof for the past, oh I don't know, 12 weeks. This week he is working on the back and top. Every now and then something catches my eye, I glance out of the window and there is M standing on the apex of his roof, just like King Kong on the Empire State Building.

1 comment:
Well, at least you can laugh at the situation! I shall giggle every morning now, thinking of you looking over at "King Kong".
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