This was taken at a school production last year, a musical based on the movies. Thomas was the Father from
Fiddler on the Roof. Now if that beard isn't funky, I don't know what is!
I like the 'finish' of this photo; a bit like an Old Master. Do you think that if I enlarged it and put it in a frame the National Portrait Gallery would hang it?
Well, I"m not so sure about the Portrait Gallery! But that is a great photo. I really like that beard!
Very funky....did Thomas consent to wearing the shoes?
I can't get the photo hunt thing on my side bar...how did you do it?? xxx
Please get over to 'The Aunt', and do the Underground will you?
ps, nice face and hair...
Oh, definitely they would!
Glad you like the beard, Meeyauw. He's shaved it off now!
The short answer to your first question, Clare, is 'no'. He seemed to prefer hobbling over pebbles or getting his trainers wet.
As for the photo hunt logo, I know i fiddled around with it for ages before it worked. In the end I saved it as a photo and put it in the sidebar. If you go to the photo hunt website, http://tnchick.com/pshunt, there are instructions there.
Glad you like the face and hair, Scroblene. He takes after me. I'm now going to try to work out who and what 'The Aunt' and the Underground are. How's the hand?
That is a funky beard! :-) Photo Hunters Funky
Wonderful photo! I bet it would look just as good, if not better, in your gallery!
I love the Old Master effect. Is that the same grandson as last week?
Oh ya....that's funky alright!! Welcome to the Photo Hunt!!
Hi June - thanks for visiting and glad you like the beard.
Have just been looking at your pictures from the last few weeks. Excellent!!
Thanks, jc. When it's hanging along with the van Goghs and Rembrants I'll send you an invite to view!
Yes, a., that's him. He comes in all guises.
Thanks for the welcome, Anni. Enjoying the experience so far and have visited some excellent blogs.
Pretty cool pic... I like it!
Funky beard indeed!! I love the effect of the photo.
Happy Weekend.
You must be so proud! I love seeing my kids at work. Funky beard. I love it.
Good entry!
I didn't enter this week -- coem see me next time.
Looks like his funky beard matches his hair! Cute photo :)
Oh wow! What fun!! And that is a very funky beard!!
I love this picture, Chris! At first glance, I did think it was an Old Masters, but since I'm fortunate enough to have met Thomas in person, I recognized him straight away. Yes, it's a funky beard, but the shot is lovely. Sunrise, Sunset, and all that. (And I haven't caught on to what Photohunt is - judging from Liz and your post, a subject is tossed out and folks post an appropriate picture? Is that it?)
Heartly welcome to the Photo Hunt!
Oh my god, at first I really thought that this was a paint of an old master!!!!!
What a giggle we could have by placing it in the National Museum and watch every expert make a statement of it.... *giggles*
...and an excellent fake beard, I'd love to borrow it for a while!!!!
Glad you like the picture, Mary. Jo took it, actually, not sure if it was with her phone or a digital. No special effects were used - as it was summer, in a packed school hall, I think the 'finish' was a humid haze! Thomas hates the picture (or so he says). I have it in a frame in the room where I use the computer and he's forever turning it to the wall. Now it's disappeared so I think he's hidden it.
Photo Hunt is fun to do. A list of subjects - 1 per week - is available and you post an appropriate photo. A link is on my sidebar just above the archives, which explains all.
That's one funky beard!
Mine's up too :)
Thanks for the visit, Teena. Have a good weekend.
Very funky beard they made you wear. Have a good weekend.
Very funky. What a great costume.
Thanks for your comments about losing Harvey.
Chris, better late than never. I forgot you did Photo Hunt.
His beard is a bit overwhelming but it does have that old master look.
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